This is most likely due to the cost of context switching between so many threads. 这最有可能是由于在这么多的线程间切换上下文的开销而导致的。
Operating systems can generally switch ( context switching) faster between threads of the same process than between different process. 操作系统通常可以在相同进程中的不同线程之间更快速地切换(上下文切换),而不是在不同进程之间切换。
Increasing the time slice can improve system throughput due to reduced context switching. 增加时间切片可减少上下文切换,从而可以提高系统吞吐量。
Finally, while the scheduling overhead of switching between threads is small, with many threads context switching can become a significant drag on your program's performance. 最后,虽然线程之间切换的调度开销很小,但如果有很多线程,环境切换也可能严重地影响程序的性能。
If the value of context switching is very high, increasing the time slice can improve performance, but this should only be done after extensive analysis. 如果上下文切换的值非常高,则增加时间切片可提高性能,但这必须在经过大量分析之后才能实施。
Before changing this, make sure you run vmstat enough to determine that there really is a considerable amount of context switching going on. 在进行这种更改之前,请确保反复地运行vmstat以确定系统中确实正在进行大量的上下文切换工作。
To implement a component-scoped thread pool, a third-party thread pool must be used in conjunction with the J2EE context switching capability of asynchronous beans. 要实现组件范围的线程池,必须将第三方线程池与异步Bean的J2EE上下文切换功能结合使用。
Look for more information on context switching in an upcoming Iris Today article. (阅读即将发表的IrisToday文章,更多地了解上下文线程切换)。
However, we had to be careful because, as you increase this number, context switching also increases. 然而,我们必须小心,因为随着线程的增加,上下文切换也增加。
The kernel maintains a context structure for all the processes in the system, information it needs for effective context switching among different processes. 内核为系统中所有的进程都维护了一个context结构体,以及要在不同进程之间有效进行上下文切换所需要的信息。
This avoids network latency and the overhead of inter-process communication, as well as context switching in the operating system, further contributing to extreme speed. 这样就能够避免网络延迟、进程间通信的开销以及操作系统中的上下文切换,从而进一步提高速度。
And if each thread ( ergo network connection) is busy, then the context switching to each thread can be significant. 另外,如果每个线程都忙于处理网络连接,线程之间的上下文切换会很频繁。
The benefit of using the Project Explorer in this way is that the document that you are editing is always visible so that no context switching is required. 这种使用ProjectExplorer的优势在于,您所编辑的文件就会一直处于可见状态,这样就不需要切换环境了。
Due to the overhead involved in context switching to a thread or process for any amount of work, systems with small-scope granularity are often inefficient and suffer from low performance. 由于任意工作量的一个线程或进程的上下文切换涉及到的开销较大,小粒度级的系统往往效率低下且遭遇低性能问题。
The CPU simply becomes overburdened by context switching between threads. 由于要在线程间进行上下文切换,因此CPU简直变成了超载。
Since the WorkManager instances are available in the global namespace, they can be shared amongst multiple applications and, therefore, require J2EE context switching. 由于WorkManager实例可用于全局命名空间,所以它们可以在多个应用程序之间共享,因此需要J2EE上下文切换。
One can look at the context switching using either the vmstat or sar commands. 使用vmstat或sar命令可以查看上下文切换。
Huffman suggests grouping similar processes together on the same machine or group of machines to avoid context switching all the time which consumes resources. Huffman建议将类似的进程集中在一台机器或一组机器上,这样可以避免频繁的上下文切换,减少资源消耗。
The amazing thing is that, at one level, it's totally obvious what causes excessive context switching. 令人惊奇的是,(和数据拷贝相比)在同一个水平上,导致上下文切换原因总是更常见。
Thread context switching is NOT expensive 线程上下文切换的代价并不大
He is responsible for managing and responding to all the distractions and context switching scenarios which would otherwise have disturbed the whole team. 他专门负责管理并响应所有的打搅因素和“切换上下文”场景,以避免整个团队被打扰。
Afterall, many aspects of agile development work in large part to reduce the inefficiencies multi-tasking can introduce; they work to help teams suffer less from "context switching". 毕竟,如何减少多任务导致的效率低下状况,敏捷开发的很多方面都以此为重点,尽量使团队避免受制于“切换上下文”。
Context Switching, is defined as changing focus and attention from one task to the other in relatively short periods of time. 在相对短的时间内,把注意力从一个任务切换到另一个任务,这就是“切换上下文”的定义。
In the available literature the cost of context switching is discussed for workplace interruptions like phone calls, emails and personal requests. 诸如电话、email及个人需求等工作中断所导致的上下文切换成本在现有文献中已有所讨论。
I personally do not believe that everyone has the right mindset, passion, discipline and capability to be involved in incubation all the time, context switching from day to day business goals. 我个人并不相信每个人都有合适的心态、激情、素质和能力全天候的参与孵化项目,并随时与日常的业务目标相互切换。
The process management was implemented and the performance of context switching was tested. 作者实现了其中的进程管理部分。
Every reflective computation can be divided into two logical parts, context switching and meta-computation. 每一次反射计算可以被分为两个逻辑部分:计算流上下文切换和元行为。
The scheme removes the software overheads of TCP/ IP protocols and reduces the overheads of context switching and data copying between the kernel and user levels. 该方案消除了TCP/IP协议栈的软件开销,也减少了核态与用户态的数据拷贝和上下文切换的开销。
Problems in the transport layer of TOP and their solution are pointed out. Several critical issues for implementing TOP on UNIX are discussed with details. Connection context switching technique is developed to control transport connection concurrency. 本文指出了TOP运输层协议选择中存在的问题和解决方法,讨论了几个在UNIX系统上实现TOP的重要问题:采用连接上下文切换技术来控制运输连接的并发性;
The context switching happens when the task finished, canceled, or waiting for messages in the non-preemptive scheduling. 在非抢占式调度内核中任务切换发生在任务完成、取消或等待消息时。